Significantly the 12th Imam Mehdi has also become subject of comparative study in Iran. Even as the Hindutav forces have been haranguing Islam, Ayatollah Khomeini seminary, Qom has initiated a comparative study of Imam Mehdi and Kalki Autar, which has vast description in Hindu scriptures, writes M Hasan
Qom: The Iran Government, awaiting the arrival of hidden Shia Imam Mehdi, has launched massive construction of Masjid-e-Jamkaran near Qom where the “last of the Mohammad” would appear to cleanse the world of evils. It is on the outskirts of the city of Qom. The mosque has long been a sacred place, at least since 17th of Ramazan 373 AH (February 22, 984) when according to legends one Sheikh Hasan Ibn Muthlih Jamkarani is reported to have met the 12th Shia Imam Mehdi along with the Prophet Al Khizr. Jamkarani was told about piousness of the land and its own Hasan bin Muslim was asked to construct the mosque from the earning of the farm produce. According to local belief the hidden Imam is reported to have offered prayer at this place.
However, the construction project got fillip when the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005-13) sanctioned ten million Pound for its complete renovation. It is now being expanded over a vast area surrounded by hill. Even though pilgrims arriving from all over the world throng the mosque complex, it is over the years has become major centre of spiritual longings of present generation of Iranians. The 15th of Shabaan, the birthday of the 12th Imam, attracts huge gathering at the mosque and people walk six-km from Qom to the site of the mosque to offer prayers overnight.
Celebrated Iranian writer Vali Nasr has written in his book “The Shia Revival” “the Jamkaran mosque was long a sacred place but not a well-known one until recently when its reputation spread, especially young people go the mosque from near and far”. On Tuesday evenings, thousands throng there to pray and many serve in its vast kitchen devoted to feeding the poor.” At the rear of the mosque is the “well of requests” (Ariza) . However, it was closed when “Karwane Noor members led by Maulana Nehal Haider of Lucknow visited the mosque. The “well” marks the precise spot where the 12th Imam became miraculously “unhidden” for a brief shining moment. The well is now covered with by two small metal grids and covering the grids are small strings knotted around the metal bars. Significantly the mosque’s entrance featured giant photographs of Iran’s spiritual leaders Ayatollah Khomeimi and Ayatollah Khamenie. Going to Jamkaran on Tuesday night makes it hard to see Iran as anything but deeply Shia, closely attached to the firm beliefs that have sustained the faith over the centuries and account for its spirituality.
What Qom is for Jamkaran nearly, 900 km away Samara in Iraq is for “Sardab tomb” (Muaqam-e-Ghaibat of the 12th Imam) in the complex of tomb of 11th Imam Hasan Askari. “Sardab” is underground living cellar, which is very common in Iran and Iraq to escape heat during the summer. On way to Najaf, my first stop on January 28, 2025 was to this place.
Significantly the 12th Imam Mehdi has also become subject of comparative study in Iran. Even as the Hindutav forces have been haranguing Islam, Ayatollah Khomeini seminary, Qom has initiated a comparative study of Imam Mehdi and Kalki Autar, which has vast description in Hindu scriptures. Maulana Mohammad Hasan, who belongs to Hardoi (UP) and has been studying in Ayatollah Khomeini seminary, has undertaken his PhD work “ Imam Mehdi and Kalki Autar” to connect the link between the two, if any, and find similarities. Kalki or Kalkin is supposed to be the tenth avatar of Vishnu. He is still awaited and will come at the end of Kaliyug. As per legends, he will appear in or around Sambhal. Already a Shri Kalki temple complex is coming up in Sambhal. Prominent historian and Prof Ali Nadeem Rezavi of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has written “The concept of a redeemer, or a messiah appears to be quite universal and not typical to any one religion or religious groups. It pervades not only the Semitic faiths like Judaism, Christianity a nd Islam, but also the Aryan and Indic faiths like Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Brahmanism and Vedantic religions. It is also known in the Chinese religions like Taoism”. He further says “Similarly in the Vedantic Brahmanic belief, when the end of the world nears and the evil pervades all over, Kalkin, the 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu would appear. Riding a horse and a sword in hand, he would defeat the evil and establish the rule of Brahma. Kalki / Kalkin will come to end the present age of darkness and destruction known as Kali Yuga. The name Kalki is often a metaphor for eternity or time. The origins of the name probably lie in the Sanskrit word “kalka” which refers to dirt, filth, or foulness and hence denotes the “destroyer of foulness,” “destroyer of confusion,” “destroyer of darkness,” or “annihilator of ignorance.” Kalkin/ Kalki, the tenth and last avatar of Lord Vishnu whose coming would herald the end of Kaliyug and the establishment of the Lord’s Kingdom. He is the Messiah”.
But when, certainly there is no timeframe.
(M Hasan is former Chief of Bureau, Hindustan Times, Lucknow)