Indo-Pak Shia community caught in a wrangle over cleric Aqeelul Gharvi’s remarks against poets Mir Anis, Mirza Dabir


M Hasan

Lucknow, July 25, 2024: An intense debate has ensued in well-entrenched Shia community in India-Pakistan over some “objectionable” comments of Shia cleric Maulana Aqee-lul- Gharavi against world renowned Mersiya poets Mir Anis and Mirza Dabir during a function of Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu Pakistan few days ago. With his video in large circulation there is now no-holds barred battle of words over various social media platform between pro and anti-Gharavi lobby in the two country.

Even a Mumbai-based senior advocate Syed Afzal Imam has threatened to sue the cleric against his intemperate language against these two 19th century spiritual poets who have left an indelible mark on Urdu poetry in the world.  

A protest meeting was also organized by some Mir Anis lovers to condemn the statement of Gharavi today. The controversy is reminiscent of row between pro-Naqqan Saheb and anti-group led by Abaqat family over the Maulana Ali Naqi Naqvi alias Naqqan Saheb’s disputed book “Shahide Insaniyat”. The present division also appears to be on similar lines.

The cleric has raised objection over the usages of some words in Marsiya (elegy) of Mir Anis and Mirza Dabir, who are highly revered poets not only in global Shia community but are still considered a benchmark in Urdu poetry among all Urdu lovers. Well-known Islamic scholar Shibli Noamani had also written a comparative study of Mir Anis and Mirza Dabir, in which he was however critical of Mirza Dabir.

Commenting of the harangue of Maulana Gharavi, another globally known shia cleric Ali Nasir Sayeed Abaqati alia Agha Roohi in his statement said Mir Anis and Mirza Dabir have left everlasting impact on promotion of Shiism in the world. “These poets have played dominant role in lyrically defining Shia theology and concept of “Imamat” and introducing “Ahelul Bait (Household of Prophet Mohammad) in their unique literary style”. “Lucknow owes a lot to these two poets”, Agha Roohi commented. However, another cleric Abbas Ershad Naqvi has lambasted Gharavi for his language against Mir Anis and Mirza Dabir. Significantly youtube, facebook and other social media platforms are flooded with comments and it seems the controversy is headed for intense literary battle within the Shia community, which appeared to be highly aggrieved over the comments of Gharavi, who has also come out with the video statement claiming his services for the two poets.


In a long FB statement Prof Ali Nadeem Rezavi of History department Aligarh University has questioned the arguments of the clerics. Dr Rezavi said “surprising that though Maulana is a poet too, he appears to have no inkling as to how language keeps changing: he is commenting on some 19th Century words in the 21st Century revealing his sheer ignorance”.  He further said “Maulana Aqeel ul Gharavi, the orator who likes to self-style himself as an Ayatollah while speaking in a programme of Anjuman e Taraqqi Urdu, Pakistan, made certain critical comments on Mīr Anees, and Mirza Dabīr, the two celebrated poets of Urdu, who are supposed to hold the same position in Urdu, as Shakespeare or Keats in English literature”.

“No denying the fact that Gharavi Sāhib is within his rights to be critical. No one can be beyond criticism. The job of a Critic (naqqād) is just that: but the criticism should be with a basic understanding and (in case of literature) linguistic rigour. Further, Gharavi claims that he has a command over at least three languages: Urdu, Persian and Arabic. He not only displays good diction in his oratory, but is also said to be a good versifier himself. But perhaps in his attempt to be a critic, he forgot certain basic facts”, Dr Rezavi and added “being a self-proclaimed scholar he must be knowing that there is something known as Semantics. Every scholar of language (any for that matter) is supposed to be aware of it. Even if he had googled, he would have come to know that semantic change is a form of language change regarding the evolution of word usage—usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage”.

“Anees and Dabīr wrote during 19th Century. Gharavi is reading them in the 21st Century. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations, which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings. The study of semantic change can be seen as part of etymology, onomasiology, semasiology, and semantics” said the AMU Professor.

Akbar Hasan of Pakistan said in his FB post “ Aqeel gharvi must be made to realise his uncalled for comment and should apologise. He has opened a new Pandora box against Shia Community”. Advocate Imam said since his feelings have been hurt and he has planned to file case against the cleric in Mumbai court. But another advocate Syed Zaidi of Rai Bareli said the idea of court case doesnot seem to be feasible. Some Gharavi supporters have however laughed out the idea of a court case.  Well-known Urdu Poet Hasan Fatehpuri has also guardedly objected to the remarks of Maulana Gharavi.

Endorsing the FB post of Misam Naqvi, Associate Prof of History department AMU Syed Ali Kazim said “ the ayyam-e aza (period of two-month mourning) are supposed to be the mourning period over the tragedy of Karbala and the subsequent captivity of the Ahlul Harem. But unfortunately, every year, come Muharram and we tend to get embroiled in unnecessary controversies. This year, certain remarks made by Maulana Aqueel ul Gharavi have created a huge controversy that doesn’t seem to die down. I’m a huge fan of Allama sahab but I would agree that the remarks about Meer Anees and Mirza Dabir were totally uncalled for”.  Delhi-based journalist Zargham Murtaza however making sarcastic comments over the prevailing controversy has brought to be notice of people about the worst condition of Tomb of Mir Anis in Lucknow which is in bad shape and has become centre of “criminal activities”. But the Shia community is least bothered about it. Few years efforts were made to redecorate the tomb but the event could not be proved more than a “photo session” of some clerics and activists.


(M Hasan is former Chief of Bureau Hindustan Times Lucknow)


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